The Lost Colony
The Lost Colony is the nation's longest-running premier symphonic drama. First staged in 1937, the story of the 117 English men, women, and children who mysteriously disappeared from Roanoke Island is celebrated in this production written by Pulitzer Prize winning playwright, Paul Green.
Over 200 actors, technicians, designers and volunteers rehearse each May to bring The Lost Colony to life for another summer season. The production is enormous. The stage itself is over three times larger than most Broadway stages in New York. You will be seated in the center of the stage area with action happening on three sides of you and even sometimes right next to you in the aisle. Come see epic battles and Indian dances. Experience the sorrow and heartbreak of tragedy and loss. Witness the pageantry of the Queen and her court and celebrate the birth of Virginia Dare. There is music, laughter, romance and dance. The Lost Colony is widely acknowledged as the precursor to the modern American Broadway Musical.
Guests of Atlantic Realty receive 1 complimentary admission per reservation per night for The Lost Colony production during their stay.